freeof, functions and nounify

Isn't the noun status necessary to retain an equation in untampered 
symbolic form?

Shouldn't the other differential operators grad, div, curl and laplacian 
be added  to
the noun/verb system?

Is there a way for the user to tell maxima that other functions be added 
to the
noun/verb system?

Stavros Macrakis wrote:

>>I think the noun / verb thing is only a headache--I don't think
>>it ever really *does* anything. The abs function has a long-standing
>>noun / verb confusion.
>There are two cases where Maxima uses the noun/verb system: one is for
>mathematical functions from numbers to numbers like sin, gamma, etc.,
>the other is for functions over mathematical expressions like diff,
>limit, sum, etc. They are only tenuously related conceptually.
>For math functions, a verb converts its argument to floating-point if
>possible and calculates a floating-point result (possibly complex),
>e.g. (verbify(sin))(sqrt(-3)+1) =>  1.48 %i + 2.45, just as though the
>"numer" flag were set: sin(%pi/4) => 1/sqrt(2) but
>(verbify(sin))(%pi/4) => 0.707.    It's not entirely clear to me why
>this was done; perhaps the idea was that you'd convert all nouns into
>verbs in an expression which you wanted to evaluate numerically
>repeatedly. As far as I can tell, this was a bad design decision made
>35+ years ago which was never fully thought through, and never taken
>advantage of in any meaningful way. I believe this could be stripped
>out of Maxima with no ill effects.
>On the other hand, the noun/verb system for functions from expressions
>to expressions has some utility.  It lets you express the notion of an
>unevaluated version of a function; thus 'diff(y,x) remains 'diff(y,x)
>(even after re-evaluation), and does not become 0.  This allows you to
>later substitute some expression in x for y, and then force the
>explicit calculation of the differential using ev(...,diff).  This is
>used both in user input -- where the user inputs 'diff(y,x) -- and in
>function output, where limit(f(x),x,0) returns a "noun form" to
>express the fact that it can't find any better form.  It is arguably
>not necessary for the latter case: the function could simply return
>the literal value limit( f(x), x, 0 ) (not calling the "limit"
>function); but it turns out to be handy that "ev" does not try to
>re-evaluate because "ev" is often (mis-)used for simple value
>substitution.  If users were careful about using subst rather than ev,
>perhaps this wouldn't be necessary, and we could have the input syntax
>'diff(y,x) mean funmake('diff,[y,x]).rather than
>Given how difficult it is to explain the concepts of
>evaluation/simplification/substitution to users, I think it would
>confuse our users to get rid of noun/verb for expression-functions.
>However, I think we could eliminate noun/verb for mathematical
>functions with no consequences at all.  Does anyone disagree?