On 2/11/07, sen1 at math.msu.edu <sen1 at math.msu.edu> wrote:
> (%i4) batch("foo");
> batching #p/home/maxie/sen/Math_496/Maxima/Work/foo.mac
> (%i5) f(x) := 2 x
> (%o5) f(x) := 2 x
> xmaxima is now hung. Won't even respond to "Cntl-G".
Hmm. I don't see this problem. I have Maxima 5.11.0cvs + GCL 2.6.7
on Fedora 2.
What happens if you enter a comment at the interactive input prompt?
I find that stuff typed after that is successed processed by Maxima.
Does it work that way for you?