batch bug in xmaxima(%i1) load("foo_3");

   Actually, this even happens at the command line, and has nothing to do
with the comment.

[sen at gumbie Work]$ more foo_3.mac
f(x):= 2*x;

[sen at gumbie Work]$ uname -a
Linux gumbie 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6 #1 SMP Mon Oct 16 14:37:32 EDT 2006
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[sen at gumbie Work]$

(%i1) load("foo_3");
(%o1)                             ./foo_3.mac
(%i2) f(3.4);
(%o2)                                 6.8
(%i3) dispfun(f);
(%t3)                             f(x) := 2 x

(%o3)                                [%t3]
(%i4) batch("foo_3");

batching #p/home/maxie/sen/Math_496/Maxima/Work/foo_3.mac
(%i5)                             f(x) := 2 x
(%o5)                             f(x) := 2 x

Since "load" works it is no big deal for me, but it is a bit strange.


  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Robert Dodier wrote:

> On 2/11/07, sen1 at <sen1 at> wrote:
>> (%i4) batch("foo");
>> batching #p/home/maxie/sen/Math_496/Maxima/Work/foo.mac
>> (%i5)                             f(x) := 2 x
>> (%o5)                                         f(x) := 2 x
>> xmaxima is now hung. Won't even respond to "Cntl-G".
> Hmm. I don't see this problem. I have Maxima 5.11.0cvs + GCL 2.6.7
> on Fedora 2.
> What happens if you enter a comment at the interactive input prompt?
> I find that stuff typed after that is successed processed by Maxima.
> Does it work that way for you?
> best
> Robert
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