Adding new object types WAS: Operations on inf

Yes, I should have mentioned the tellsimp / tellsimpafter route
for defining new Maxima objects.

I'm not too bothered by slowing the simplification of every plus
expression. If slowness is a problem, a user should be able to 
remove the extra rules. Maybe the tellsimp / tellsimpafter route
is the best way to append new Maxima objects, maybe it isn't. I
don't know. But it is a challenge to get the current tellsimp / 
functions to handle a complicated new objects such as big and little 
oh expressions. Another example that isn't easy to with tellsimp is 

  integrate(const * diff(g(x),x) * f(g(x)),x) => const * F(g(x)),

where F is an antiderivative of f.
