The function charfun (defined in nummod) makes a call to $ev:
(setq bool (mevalp (mfuncall '$ev e '$nouns))).
I think the intent is to allow (ugly looking) things like
charfun('"and"(-1 < x, x < 1))
to work. Would it be OK to change simp-charfun to something like
;; Side effects and errors are trouble makers...
;; Maybe the simplifya stuff should be moved inside the dolist.
(defun simp-charfun (e bool z)
(let (($prederror nil) (acc `(($set))))
(setq e (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya (specrepcheck s) z)) (margs
(catch 'done
(dolist (ei e)
(setq bool (mevalp ei))
(cond ((eq bool nil)
(throw 'done 0))
((not (eq bool t)) (setq acc ($adjoin ei acc)))))
(throw 'done (if ($emptyp acc) 1 `(($charfun simp) ,@(margs
(%i1) p : charfun(x > 0, x < 1); <-- implied "and" (standard in set
builder notation)
(%o1) charfun(x>0,x<1)
(%i2) subst(x=2/3,p);
(%o2) 1
A few things in share/numeric/interpol could be simplified with this
change, I think.
A smarter charfun would know that charfun(x>0,x<0) = 0...