changing wxmaxima border fonts?

On Dec 11, 2007 2:09 AM, S. Newhouse <sen1 at> wrote:
> Hi Andrej,
>   Why do I want to change it?   I have a nice dual monitor setup running
> Linux which 24" monitors. .  The derault fonts in many things such as
> firefox, emacs, xterm, etc. are  fine on my laptop, and running 19inch
> monitors, but in my main setup they are simply too small for my eyes.
> Accordingly, I magnify them as needed.  I have been using xmaxima for
> the most part and wanted to try wxmaxima.  But, I have to change
> eyeglasses in order to use it (not for the output font, but for the
> input and button fonts).   Actually, if there is aonly a smll group
> (maybe consisting of me alone) who feels that changing fonts, etc in
> input and buttons is worth doing), then it probably is not worth
> spending any time on.  I can always set up toggles to change screen
> resolutions for the whole monitor as needed.  I just wondered if there
> was an easier way.
> Thanks for your comments.

I was just curious why you would want to change font size only for
wxmaxima. wxmaxima uses the gtk2 theme. I use gnome and I can increase
the fontsize if I go to System->Preferences->Apperance, select the
Font pane and change the application font (this also changes the font
in firefox). I don't know how to do it if you are not using gnome but
I'm sure there is a way.

