Congrats. Looks neat. Is there a server running where we could try it?
Bowo Prasetyo wrote:
> Dear all,
> I made MaximaPHP available in
> Codes are written in classes which are currently fall into three categorizes:
> - main classes to access Maxima in server
> - security classes to check the input
> - viewer classes to take input and show output
> For the first release I gave it number 0.1.0 and currently includes,
> security class
> - filter out: to block unsecure commands
> (alternatively filter in class, which is more secure, may be added in
> the future when I have time)
> viewer classes
> - simplify
> - expand
> - factor
> - cellular automata
> This first release includes also Viewer Generator tool to rapidly
> create new viewers for MaximaPHP.
> Best regards,
> bowo
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