Problem with linsolve?

 > This is the parameter vs. variable issue I discussed recently (after
 > you sent this mail).  You need to solve for *all* variables, and then
 > if you only care about the values of some, pull those out.

How about putting this in the documentation of "linsolve"?  It was not 
at all obvious to me, and caused a lot of mystification.
And I assume the same goes for "solve".

 > Of course, it still shouldn't be giving an internal error!

That's the worst part.  I know no Lisp at all, but from the trace that 
Robert sent

(%i1) linsolve([x=26,y=38],[x]);
1. Trace: (SOLVEX '(((MPLUS SIMP) -26 $X) ((MPLUS SIMP) -38 $Y)) '($X)
2. Trace: (TFGELI 'XA* '2 '2)
2. Trace: TFGELI ==> (NIL (2) (1))
2. Trace: (MERROR '"Inconsistent equations:  ~A" '(2))
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
CAR: 2 is not a list

could it be that, simply, the wrong part of the error message

'"Inconsistent equations:  ~A" '(2)

i.e., the "2", is returned (to someone)?
