Problem with linsolve?

On 4/2/07, Kostas Oikonomou <ko at> wrote:
>  > This is the parameter vs. variable issue I discussed recently (after
>  > you sent this mail).  You need to solve for *all* variables, and then
>  > if you only care about the values of some, pull those out.
> How about putting this in the documentation of "linsolve"?  It was not
> at all obvious to me, and caused a lot of mystification.
> And I assume the same goes for "solve".

Yes, solve, linsolve, and algsys all work this way.  You know, now
that (I hope) you understand it, perhaps you could try working on the
explanation.  Our existing documentation is poor partly because it is
too close to the implementation and not written from the user's point
of view.  You might be in a better position to write from the user's
point of view.
