[Fwd: [sage-devel] Maxima config failure on FC6/32 bit]

On 4/6/07, Gregory Vanuxem <g.vanuxem at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> <SNIP>
> > I am using a bash 3.2 instead of the standard 3.0
> <SNIP>
> Going back to bash 3.0 fixes it. I will file a bug at the Maxima bug-
> tracker.

Can someone also follow up with the bash folks?
It seems like this should work:

expanded_top_srcdir="`(cd \"$top_srcdir\" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; pwd)`"

We (Maxima) can try to devise a workaround but
I'd like to know whose problem this is exactly.

Thanks for your help,
Robert Dodier