On 4/6/07, van Nek <van.nek at arcor.de> wrote:
> (2) a plot2d plot shows on the right the pm3d color bar, which is definitely
> unwanted here
> (3) ? log works without semicolon, but ?? log needs a final semicolon.
> this isn't a real problem, but it would be nice, if both work the same.
I'm guessing XMaxima is looking for ? as a special input but it does not
look for ??. Speaking for myself: I don't care if this bug is fixed in the
release branch. There is an analogous bug in 5.11 (?! not recognized
as special by XMaxima so ; is needed) and it doesn't seem to have
caused too much harm.
> (4) the new yellow color for marking code snippets in xMaxima fits
> very good to black and blue (much better than the old gray), but to
> my eyes not very good to green.
Hmm, what I see is that green text turns white when highlighted.
(Same thing in 5.11 but there it is less problematic since the
background color is gray.) Maybe if the green text stays green,
it would be OK.