bind stack overflow

Your code has no protection against infinite looping.
I think the stack overflow happens when the newton
sequence doesn't converge.

Another thing: Instead of invert(transpose(s)), I suggest you
use linsolve_by_lu:

(%i9) m : matrix([0.001,1],[1,2])$
(%i10) b : matrix([1],[2])$
(%i11) linsolve_by_lu(m,b,'floatfield);
(%o11) [matrix([0.0],[1.0]),9.021036072144288]

The condition number is about 9.02. The function linsolve_by_lu
is new to 5.12.0.  With 5.11.0, you'll need something like

(%i11) lu_backsub(lu_factor(m,'floatfield),b);
(%o11) matrix([0.0],[1.0])


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>To: Richard Fateman
>From: sen1 at
>Sent by: maxima-bounces at
>Date: 04/06/2007 06:47PM
>cc: Maxima at
>Subject: Re: [Maxima] bind stack overflow
>OK, here it is.  This is just a simple newton method for two
>dimensional systems.  I have not tried to study it carefully, but I
>was curious about the 'bind stack overflow in some cases, but not
>Here is the code
>    block([u,v,s,numer],
>    numer:true,
>   s:matrix([diff(expr[1],var[1]),diff(expr[1],var[2])],
>       [diff(expr[2],var[1]),diff(expr[2],var[2])]),
>   u: matrix(x0),
>    loop, if ( subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr[1]) )^2
>       + subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr[2]))^2 < eps)
>         then return([u[1][1],u[1][2]]),
>   v: subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],expr)),
>     u: u - v
>      .
>      subst(u[1][2],var[2],subst(u[1][1],var[1],invert(transpose(s)))),
>        go(loop) )$