
> Hi  Andrej,
> did you run your commands on linux or on Windows?
> I installed WinGraphviz this morning and I found that the Windows version is nothing but
> WinGraphviz.dll which is registered then. I am new to this, but as far as I understand, I can
> use this dll by creating an object, e.g. in some piece of cpp, vbs
> (successfully tested) or perl code. There is no system32 command named dot, so I fear,
> your code in draw_graph.mac
>   command : concat("dot -Tplain \"", gp_file_in, "\" > \"", gp_file_out, "\"")
>   ...
>   system(command),
> doesn't work on Windows. What can I do?

You need to download and install graphviz (wingraphviz is different).
The download link is here:
