Subject: Maxima config failure on FC6/32 bit
From: mabshoff
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:48:07 -0700
On Apr 6, 11:03 pm, "Michael Abshoff"
<Michael.Absh... at> wrote:
> Hey Greg,
This is CC'ed to the Maxima development mailing list
> I did plan to verify that it isn't a regression with the bash before I do
> file a bug report because the configure script works fine with other
> shells. If the Maxima people come up with anything please let me know.
> Cheers,
> Michael
Ok to summarize:
bash 3.0.0 works fine
bash 3.1.0 works fine.
bash 3.2.15 - i.e. 3.2.0 with the 15 patches applied from - the problem goes
away. I am too lazy to bisect the exact change set, but one would
assume that distributions will ship bash 3.2 with all the patches. I
uncommented the offending line at 3450 with bash 3.2.0 and
consequently there was a failure another 50 or so lines lower in the
configure script. If you desire to create a workaround for the buggy
version of bash 3.2.x you out to contact the bash people directly.