On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 13:49 -0500, Barton Willis wrote:
> Try:
> (%i1) 1/(abs(1+2*g) - abs(2*g))$
> (%i2) plot2d(%,[g,0,19]);
Notice that in the latest plot2d version (5.11.99rc1) this
gives a horizontal line at 1, as expected (in Linux it seems
as if Maxima session got stuck but it didn't; it just failed
to print the next %i label). In previous versions the result looks
very strange but mostly due to a bug/feature of gnuplot
(in most points y=1. while in one of them y=1.0000000000000036;
gnuplot does not handle that situation very well).
What changed in the latest version of plot2d is the fact
that now the data passed to gnuplot/openmath has only
10 significant digits. I made that change because I think
in this case we're talking about numbers which are
passed to a plotting program and will be transparent to
most users.