On 4/18/07, Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu> wrote:
> (%i1) 1/(abs(1+2*g) - abs(2*g))$
> (%i2) plot2d(%,[g,0,19]);
The 'abs' and the multiplication aren't actually the issue. A simpler
plot2d( '(0,1+g)-g,[g,0,200],[nticks,1000]);
The '(0,...) construction blocks simplification.
Not by coincidence, this happens in the intervals [2^n-1,2^n]. With a
different base, it would happen at [base^n-1,base^n]. Of course, with exact
arithmetic, it doesn't happen.
The only complaint I have about Maxima here is that its plotting routines
aren't clever enough to realize that a seemingly isolated blip should be
investigated further. But perhaps it is noticing that the blip is so tiny
that it is probably a calculation error (which it is...).