questions about draw2d


> Two questions.
> With, e.g.
> draw2d(explicit(x^2, x,-2,2));
> I get the expected picture.
> If I do 'middle mouse clic' then the coordinates are shown on the screen.
> 1. Is there a simple way to write them to a file?

Yes, but you must select the name of the file with option 'xy_file':

draw2d(xy_file = "my_points.txt",
       explicit(x^2, x,-2,2));

After that, make clic and then press key 'x'. You can repeat this
process with more points, and their coordinates will be added to

Probably, this will be changed in future versions, once I have a clear
model for interactive work with gnuplot. This is one of the first items
in my draw-todo list.

> 2. I can select a region by holding down the righ mouse button.  But,
>     how do I 'zoom' the picture as in the standard 'gnuplot'?

Sorry, this is a bug, but I think I have isolated the problem. It works
in plot2d and not in draw2d. In plot2d, points are sent to the file
'maxout.gnuplot_pipes', but in 'draw2d' their are sent directly to
gnuplot via the pipe. If I'm not wrong, this is the origin of the bug.

I'll try to fix this as soon as possible.

> TIA,
>   -sen

Thanks for your questions and reports.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto