matrix 2-norm and associated matrix condition number
Subject: matrix 2-norm and associated matrix condition number
From: Wolfgang Lindner
Date: 26 Apr 2007 15:39 GMT
Dear experts,
AFAIK maxima currently has no matrix 2-norm and no matrix condition number based on
In teaching the 2-norm/2-condition sometimes matters.
So I wrote simple beginners implementations of both concepts:
mat_norm2(A) := sqrt(last(sort(eigenvalues(transpose(A).A)[1])));
mat_norm2(matrix([3,-1],[-1,3])); --> 4
mat_cond2(A) := mat_norm2(invert(A))*mat_norm2(A)$
mat_cond2(matrix([3,-1],[-1,3])); --> 2
It works for me (and for some little tests), but I wonder if someone has written
'alternative' Maxima functions using other or better math or maxima concepts.
Any hints are very welcome.
HTH Wolfgang