Definitions of LAPACK

Am Dienstag, den 01.05.2007, 18:30 -0400 schrieb Raymond Toy:
> Detlef Schmicker wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I read the threads about LAPACK and found it very usefull. I managed to
> > get dgeev working.
> >   
> Was it not already working?
Sure it was, it was a little difficult to find argument description :-)

> > Is there a place where I can find the definition of the functions
> > withing maxima?
> >
> > I miss some functions: e.g. :
> >
> >
> >   
> If you have a list of other functions you would like to see, please list
> them.  These should be functions that you would use now, not what you
> might want to use.  Can't implement them all instantaneously, you know. :-)
Thanks, for inverting invert_by_lu is fast enough with float arguments
(as suggested as a response to my question).

> > Is there a staight forward way to create the interface to maxima?
> >
> >   
> The easiest way would be to look at how dgeev and dgesvd are done and
> copy them appropriately.
> I can help you get started, but you need to know some Lisp.
I wonder, where the fortran source of the funktions are in the tree. If
I understood correctly the fortran source is compiled to lisp and you
integrated this?! Wouldn't it be good to have this process within the
maxima build process? But maybe I am wrong and it is linked to the libs.

> Ray

Thanks Detlef