Definitions of LAPACK

>>>>> "Detlef" == Detlef Schmicker <d.schmicker at> writes:

    Detlef> Am Dienstag, den 01.05.2007, 18:30 -0400 schrieb Raymond Toy:
    >> Detlef Schmicker wrote:
    >> > Hello,
    >> >
    >> > I read the threads about LAPACK and found it very usefull. I managed to
    >> > get dgeev working.
    >> >   
    >> Was it not already working?
    Detlef> Sure it was, it was a little difficult to find argument description :-)

Heh.  Ok.  I will add some documentation.

I think the names will be the LAPACK names, to make it easier to
figure out what functions do what.  Hopefully, someone who actually
uses these routines will either come up with a better interface or a
better name.

Could you file a bug report that the lapack routines are not

    Detlef> I wonder, where the fortran source of the funktions are in the tree. If

share/lapack/blas/fortran and share/lapack/lapack/fortran

    Detlef> I understood correctly the fortran source is compiled to lisp and you
    Detlef> integrated this?! Wouldn't it be good to have this process within the
    Detlef> maxima build process? But maybe I am wrong and it is linked to the libs.

Yes, the Fortran code is converted to Lisp via f2cl.  This is done
just once and the Lisp code is checked in.  I guess we do it this way
so that maxima doesn't need to have f2cl.  The defsystem files that
perform the actual conversion is, however, checked in, so the Lisp
files can be recreated at anytime.
