suggestion: create list maxima-dev

On 5/5/07, Jorge Barros de Abreu <ficmatin01 at> wrote:

> I will be to suggest the creation of maxima-dev list for licence questions,
> programing questions, translation questions, etc
> There is the maxima-bug. It is Ok.
> The actual maxima list will be only for usage sintaxe only
> and users pratical questions.

Hi Jorge. Perhaps the time has come to create a developers
mailing list apart from maxima at
I'm not sure but I'm willing to consider it.

However if we do create a new mailing list, I would like to
create it at or some other hosting site other
than Sourceforge, because the SF mailing list functions are
harder to use. I don't know why SF has arranged things that
way, but I'm pretty sure it is impossible to change it.

So if we want to create a new mailing list at a different hosting
site, that suggests maybe we should move the whole project.
I'm not sure about that either, but I am willing to consider it.
I'm very grateful to SF for hosting Maxima, but the site is
rather clumsy, and I wouldn't mind a simpler, faster, more
reliable web site.

All the best,