suggestion: create list maxima-dev


> I will be to suggest the creation of maxima-dev list for 
> licence questions, programing questions, translation questions, etc
> There is the maxima-bug. It is Ok.
> The actual maxima list will be only for usage sintaxe only and 
> users pratical questions.

Hm, what is the rationale behinde this suggestion?

I'm undecided on whether I like your suggestion. This list certainly
sees some traffic, but I think it still can be handled well.
On the other hand having one list is a big value for obvious
reasons I think. (People can't choose the wrong list or even crosspost
because they are unsure which list is right, the same thread can
be relevant for both lists, there is close contact between developers
and users.)

There is already a mailing list Maxima-users, which seems to get little
attention. I consider this a sign, that most users actually want to
subscribe this list. Also I don't remember any developer complaining
about the user questions. 

What do you think who would subscribe to maxima? And to maxima-dev?
To which list would you subscribe yourself?

I would most likely subscribe to both lists. Generally I don't think
there is a clear distinction between users and developers of maxima.
Everything we type on the repl actually is some code. Saving it 
into some file is only a matter of convenience... ;)
