Andreas Eder wrote:
> Ray wrote:
>> You replaced (setq $error_syms (append $error_syms (list sym))) with
>> tuchus? But you replaced concat with intern/format?
> Yes, tuchus is a relatively well known counterpart to push. It just
> adds at the tail end of a list.
> As far as I can tell the word comes from the Yiddish language and
> means posterior (gluteus maximus).
Heh. Ok. I've never heard of a tuchus macro before, though.
>> What makes tuchus special and concat not? What does tuchus mean anyway?
> The implementation of the tuchus macro is done well, far better than
> the append code it replaced.
> The implementation and the use of concat however is more of a crock,
> like all the uses of implode/explode.
Well, fix the implementation of concat, then. I don't think anyone
would object to making concat more idiomatic CL, with documentation on
what it actually does.
I can't help but think there are better things to do than to go
everywhere and replace concat with something else and make sure nothing
is broken by it. And passing the testsuite isn't a very good indication
of correctness, unfortunately.
For me, seeing concat in code hasn't hindered me in debugging or
implementing stuff. It's all the other stuff that has been a
hinderance. More documentation of what functions and macros do would
certainly be more beneficial, like what pt-le, pt-lc, and pt-red means.
(I didn't know until Stavros mentioned it.)
But that's just my 0.00002 cents.