pol wrote:
>I have been reported of manfunctioning plotting facility of wxmaxima
>0.6 and 0.7, with maxima 5.10: plot commands are correctly executed,
>yet the gnulot window is not displayed or the inline graph is shown empty.
>Sometimes the Y range cannot be changed.
>PCs are pentium 3 or 4 with 128 mb ram. Is it enough to run wxmaxima?
given that OS could use virtual memory, application could get more than
I beleive OS restrictions meet sooner than software restrictions.
Strangely, you didn't reported your OS.
IMO if you're searching for minimal requirements, you should consult
engines that maxima runs on: check for given LISP implementation
requirements and, separatedly, wxWidgets requirements.
what is your underlying lisp?
Best regards,