just if the maintainers are interested: here are some changes that I made to Maxima
to make it build under LispWorks.
Best regards,
Rainer Joswig
(defvar *central-registry*
`(;; Current directory
#+:LUCID (working-directory)
#+ACLPC (current-directory)
#+:allegro (excl:current-directory)
#+:sbcl (progn *default-pathname-defaults*)
#+(or :cmu :scl) (ext:default-directory)
;; *** Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa at icsi.berkeley.edu>
;; Somehow it is better to qualify default-directory in CMU with
;; the appropriate package (i.e. "EXTENSIONS".)
;; Same for Allegro.
#+(and :lispworks (not :lispworks4))
,(multiple-value-bind (major minor)
(values system::*major-version-number*
(if (or (> major 3)
(and (= major 3) (> minor 2))
(and (= major 3) (= minor 2)
(equal (lisp-implementation-version) "3.2.1")))
`(make-pathname :directory
(find-package "SYSTEM")))
(find-package "LW"))))
;; Home directory
(mk::home-subdirectory "lisp/systems/")
;; Global registry
"Central directory of system definitions. May be either a single
directory pathname, or a list of directory pathnames to be checked
after the local directory.")
I think it is save to phase out LispWorks 3. LispWorks 4
is still used. Currently there is Lispworks5.
LispWorks 5 needs to be added.
(defvar *central-registry*
`(;; Current directory
#+:LUCID (working-directory)
#+ACLPC (current-directory)
#+:allegro (excl:current-directory)
#+:sbcl (progn *default-pathname-defaults*)
#+(or :cmu :scl) (ext:default-directory)
;; *** Marco Antoniotti <marcoxa at icsi.berkeley.edu>
;; Somehow it is better to qualify default-directory in CMU with
;; the appropriate package (i.e. "EXTENSIONS".)
;; Same for Allegro.
#+(and :lispworks (not :lispworks4) (not :lispworks5))
,(multiple-value-bind (major minor)
(values system::*major-version-number*
(if (or (> major 3)
(and (= major 3) (> minor 2))
(and (= major 3) (= minor 2)
(equal (lisp-implementation-version) "3.2.1")))
`(make-pathname :directory
(find-package "SYSTEM")))
(find-package "LW"))))
#+(or :lispworks4 :lispworks5)
;; Home directory
(mk::home-subdirectory "lisp/systems/")
;; Global registry
"Central directory of system definitions. May be either a single
directory pathname, or a list of directory pathnames to be checked
after the local directory.")
The patch above has the problem that for any LispWorks6 it
won't work.
(defvar *maxima-lispname* #+clisp "clisp"
#+cmu "cmucl"
#+scl "scl"
#+sbcl "sbcl"
#+gcl "gcl"
#+allegro "acl"
#+openmcl "openmcl"
#+lispworks "lispworks"
#-(or clisp cmu scl sbcl gcl allegro openmcl lispworks) "unknownlisp")
I propose also to change the lispname of openmcl
from mcl to openmcl. MCL is a Lisp from Digitool.
OpenMCL is a derived open source fork that
is sufficiently different from MCL. Essentially
MCL and OpenMCL are now two different
Lisp implementations.
(let* ((ext #+gcl "o"
#+(or cmu scl) (c::backend-fasl-file-type c::*target-backend*)
#+sbcl "fasl"
#+clisp "fas"
#+allegro "fasl"
#+openmcl (pathname-type *.fasl-pathname*)
#+lispworks system:*binary-file-type*
#-(or gcl cmu scl sbcl clisp allegro openmcl lispworks)
Most Lisp systems have different fasl types for different
platforms. It is usually not a good idea to hardcode the
type into the source.
Above are the forms for OpenMCL and LispWorks.
(defun macsyma-top-level (&optional (input-stream *standard-input*) batch-flag)
(let ((*package* (find-package :maxima)))
(if *maxima-started*
(format t "Maxima restarted.~%")
(if (not *maxima-quiet*) (maxima-banner))
(setq *maxima-started* t)))
(if ($file_search "maxima-init.lisp") ($load ($file_search "maxima-init.lisp")))
(if ($file_search "maxima-init.mac") ($batchload ($file_search "maxima-init.mac")))
(catch 'quit-to-lisp
(in-package :maxima)
(catch #+kcl si::*quit-tag*
#+(or cmu scl sbcl lispworks openmcl) 'continue
#-(or kcl cmu scl sbcl lispworks openmcl) nil
(catch 'macsyma-quit
(continue input-stream batch-flag)
(format t *maxima-epilog*)
I'm not sure why there are different catch tags: NIL, CONTINUE, si::*quit-tag*.
NIL as a tag makes not much sense? What should catch do there? I guess
these are the place where documentation would be nice. ;-)
(defun $system (&rest args)
#+gcl (lisp:system (apply '$sconcat args))
#+clisp (ext:run-shell-command (apply '$sconcat args))
#+(or cmu scl) (ext:run-program "/bin/sh"
(list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)
#+allegro (excl:run-shell-command (apply '$sconcat args) :wait t)
#+lispworks (system:run-shell-command (apply '$sconcat args) :wait t)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/sh"
(list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)
#+openmcl (ccl::run-program "/bin/sh"
(list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)
Added LispWorks.
(mk:defsystem "maxima"
:source-extension "lisp"
:binary-pathname #+clisp "binary-clisp"
#+cmu (make-pathname
:name "binary-cmucl"
:directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))
#+scl (make-pathname
:name "binary-scl"
:directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))
#+sbcl (make-pathname
:name "binary-sbcl"
:directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))
#+gcl "binary-gcl"
#+allegro "binary-acl"
#+openmcl "binary-openmcl"
#+lispworks (make-pathname
:name "binary-lispworks"
:directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))
#-(or clisp cmu scl sbcl gcl allegro openmcl lispworks) "binary-unknownlisp"
(defun generic-autoload (file &aux type)
(setq file (pathname (cdr file)))
(setq type (pathname-type file))
(let ((bin-ext #+gcl "o"
#+cmu (c::backend-fasl-file-type c::*target-backend*)
#+clisp "fas"
#+allegro "fasl"
#+openmcl (pathname-type *.fasl-pathname*)
#+lispworks system:*binary-file-type*
#-(or gcl cmu clisp allegro openmcl lispworks) ""))
(if (member type (list bin-ext "lisp" "lsp") :test 'equalp)
#-sbcl (load file :verbose 't) #+sbcl (with-compilation-unit nil (load file :verbose 't))
($batchload file))))
Added Lispworks and OpenMCL.
(defmfun $quit ()
(princ *maxima-epilog*)
#+kcl (lisp::bye)
#+(or cmu scl) (ext:quit)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:quit)
#+clisp (ext:quit)
#+(or openmcl mcl) (ccl::quit)
#+gcl (quit)
#+excl "don't know quit function")
Added Lispworks and OpenMCL.
(defun $compile_file (input-file &optional bin-file translation-output-file &aux result)
(setq input-file (maxima-string input-file))
(and bin-file(setq bin-file (maxima-string bin-file)))
(and translation-output-file
(setq translation-output-file (maxima-string translation-output-file)))
(cond ((string-equal (pathname-type input-file) "LISP")
(setq result (list '(mlist) input-file)))
(t (setq result (translate-file input-file translation-output-file))
(setq input-file (third result))))
#+(or cmu scl sbcl clisp allegro openmcl lispworks)
(multiple-value-bind (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
(if bin-file
(compile-file input-file :output-file bin-file)
(compile-file input-file))
(declare (ignore warnings-p))
;; If the compiler encountered errors, don't set bin-file to
;; indicate that we found errors. Is this what we want?
(unless failure-p
(setq bin-file output-truename)))
#-(or cmu scl sbcl clisp allegro openmcl lispworks)
(setq bin-file (compile-file input-file :output-file bin-file))
(append result (list bin-file)))
Added LispWorks
(defun bye ()
#+(or cmu scl clisp) (ext:quit)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:quit)
#+allegro (excl:exit)
#+(or mcl openmcl) (ccl:quit)
#+gcl (lisp:quit)
#+lispworks (lispworks:quit)
Added LispWorks and OpenMCL.
(defvar *maxima-lispname* #+clisp "clisp"
#+cmu "cmucl"
#+scl "scl"
#+sbcl "sbcl"
#+gcl "gcl"
#+allegro "acl"
#+openmcl "openmcl"
#+symbolics "symbolics"
#+lispworks "lispworks"
#-(or clisp cmu scl sbcl gcl allegro openmcl lispworks symbolics) "unknownlisp")
I guess one would also like to add Lispworks to the CONFIGURE function.