Computer algebra system?

My own inclination is to use Lisp (instead of python, say), in which case I
can see how to use the foreign function interface to link to most? all? of
the SAGE components. 

I have posted interfaces from (Allegro) Common Lisp to MPFR and GMP among
other programs.
There are sample interfaces to NTL, for example, that I've written.
Maxima/Lisp also interfaces to LAPACK and other FORTRAN subroutine
At least my Lisp system (on windows) also interfaces with voice and
handwriting, though I have not tried it with Linux.

Adding python to the mix doesn't add utility, though it may serve to smooth
the path for someone who wishes to write "free" and "portable" code, and for
someone who doesn't like Lisp, or who thinks that Lisp is old and Python is

My approach would put (some) Lisp program in the center, rather than
inserting some new center. The advantage is that at least one significant
program can be used without any handicaps at all by the central hub. This
choice of the central program environment means that encapsulization of its
own types can be done rather easily.  That is, encoding a lisp object in
lisp, perhaps with a wrapper like  (maxima ...lisp_stuff...) is pretty
simple. Creating a python wrapper for a lisp object that allows for ANY lisp
object seems much more challenging.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: maxima-bounces at 
> [mailto:maxima-bounces at] On Behalf Of Vadim
> Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 7:55 AM
> To: Michel Van den Bergh
> Cc: maxima at
> Subject: Re: [Maxima] Computer algebra system?
> Michel Van den Bergh wrote:
> >Agreed that a libgap, libmaxima etc... would be nicer but 
> until that happens the current
> >approach works more than well enough (a libsingular now exists).
> >  
> >
> be realistic.
> libmaxima hardly happen, because maxima written in LISP, so most
> "dirrect" connection will be using CFFI.
> BTW are there any python-to-lisp connection module?
> Vadim.
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