ahmet alper parker writes:
> Dear all,
> I am using the latest windows build of Maxima and trying to solve
> nonlinear equations. But as I understand during the build process of gcl
> there is a ram bottleneck and the build I use can not continue analysis
> and stops from the ram problem. I tried to build the windows version
> from source but when trying to ./configure the gcl it stops as "cant
> find c compiler" althoug I got the correct version for gcc and binutils
> but dont (and cant find but the latest) for gcl. Can you people provide
> me a rebuild of the maxima with greater Ram capabilities. Or at least
> could the next release can have greater ram capability? At least 2 gb
> ram or 4 gb ram should be allocated as my opinion. Can someone build it
> for me :) I will really appreciate this if someone can :)
> Thanks
Situation with maximal RAM for Maxima (in fact for gcl)
on Windows is sad.
Maximal amount of RAM is controlled by --enable-maxpage=X*1024
build time parameter. Here X must be degree of 2 = 128, 256, 512 etc.
Since page is usually 4Kb on both Linux and Windows
this gives 512Mb, 1Gb, 2Gb of RAM respectively.
Actual amount gcl can allocate is usually a bit less
than this maximal number.
On Linux (I'm talking about 32-bit systems only) I can
build gcl with X=512 which allows to allocate 1.6Gb of
RAM or even with X=1024 which gives 2Gb.
On Windows I'm unable to build gcl with X more than 128.
With X=256 or more build fails with the "unable to allocate"
error message. I don't know why. Unfortunately
gcl now lack Windows maintainer and I don't know who
can investigate the issue in depth.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at mail.ru>
<vvzhy at netorn.ru>