ram problem

ahmet alper parker writes:
> Thanks Vadim,
> Thank you very much for your answer :) Also can I ask that if I use an 
> 64 bit linux with 4 gb ram or more, can I build Maxima with that 
> configuration? Is it possible?

Yes it is.  But I recommend to build Maxima with cmucl (32-bit)
or with sbcl (32 or 64 bit) since these Lisp implementations
are more memory efficient than gcl 2.6.8.  AFAIK with sbcl 64-bit
you can allocate up to 8Gb of RAM.  Please, keep in mind that
8Gb on 64-bit is roughly equivalent to 4Gb on 32-bit system.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov

       <vvzhy at mail.ru>
      <vvzhy at netorn.ru>