ahmet alper parker writes:
> Thanks Vadim, lastly, I finally compiled the maxima under linux with 32
> bit sbcl. How will I tell the compilers the max ram? it does not ask it
> like Gcl does. And Is there another solution that may break the barrier
> of 8 gb ram at 64 bit?
gcl has compile-time parameter --enable-maxpages,
sbcl and cmucl has run-time parameter -dynamic-space-size
but cmucl doesn't available on 64-bit.
I'm not sure that 8Gb is sbcl limit on 64-bit.
I just heard that it works fine with 8Gb.
I'm almost sure that you get more than 8Gb on
64-bit either with sbcl or with gcl compiled
with large enough --enable-maxpage.
Probably it is good idea to ask about details
on sbcl and gcl lists.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov
<vvzhy at mail.ru>
<vvzhy at netorn.ru>