Question on augmented_lagrangian_method

Unfortunately, even though the (entropy) function is 
very-well behaved, symbolic solution is impossible for any 
but the simplest problems.  In this particular case, I was 
just trying the augmented Lagrangian method, and I thought I 
would start with a rather toy problem.

A more typical problem for what I'm trying to do would be an 
h(x_1,..,x_20), with 5 or 10 linear constraints.


Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> On 5/18/07, *Kostas Oikonomou* <ko at 
> <mailto:ko at>> wrote:
>     I am trying to use augmented_lagrangian_method() to minimize
>     the function
>     h(x,y,z,w) := x*log(x) + y*log(y) + z*log(z) + w*log(w)
>     where x,y,z,w > 0, subject to the constraints x+y+z+w=1 and
>     3x + 10y = 2.
>     This is a strictly convex function over a convex domain, so
>     there is a unique global minimum, and in this case it is
>     approximately
> I was wondering if I could solve this symbolically using a sloppy but 
> simple approach...
> I used the constraints to reduce the number of variables from 4 to 2.
> Solve for zeroes of dh/dx and dh/dw. Equate them.  You get
>          (5*w-2)^(3/7)*(8*2^(6/7)-20*2^(6/7)*w)+7*w*(6*w-1)^(3/7) = 0
> This is equivalent to the polynomial
> 10239822114712*w^10-40959911057356*w^9+73727985176226*w^8-78643199176457*w^7\
> +55050240000000*w^6-26424115200000*w^5+8808038400000*w^4-2013265920000*w^3+3019898880\
> 00*w^2-26843545600*w+1073741824
> Unfortunately, this doesn't factor, but all the steps up to now have 
> been exact, and its zeroes can easily be found to any desired precision 
> using realroots.  To 30 digits, we get
>                            w = 0.315752406058113692714082957681
>                            w = 0.557258532275860786576382557583
> The second solution is spurious.  Back substitute to get the other 
> variables.
>                -s