finite fields and gaussian elimination

I just tried this. Unfortunately linsolve doesn't seem to work and  
that is the function I wanted to use.


On 20/05/2007, at 1:55 AM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:

> Though *solve* and *algsys* don't seem to work very well with  
> modulus:2, polynomial and matrix operations seem to work fine (as  
> long as division isn't involved).  Have you tried setting modulus: 
> 2, ratmx:true, and working in matrices?  Determinant,  
> triangularize, etc. seem to work correctly in this case, though I  
> haven't really thought a lot about it....
>             -s
> On 5/19/07, Ruben Zilibowitz <rzilibowitz at> wrote:
> It is 48 variables and 48 equations (maybe not that large by some
> standards). The main point is that I want to do it over a finite
> field. It is fairly sparse too.