death of gnuplot if maxima is started from shell

Hi Fabrizio,

maxima 5.12 has a new default plotting format (gnuplot_pipes) which
closes the plot window after maxima exits. I think you would like to
leave the gnuplot window open. You should use the old gnuplot format
for that. Add

 set_plot_option([plot_format, gnuplot]);

at the top of ex3.mac.


On 5/21/07, Fabrizio Caruso <caruso at> wrote:
> Hi
> With the new version of Maxima I have discovered
> the following problem related to the gnuplot window
> appearing just for a fraction of a second if maxima is started
> from a shell command.
> Is there a way to make the gnuplot window "persistent"?
> The specific problem appears in an article
> I wrote in LaTex together with the package ADVI
> which contains the following command
> and which used to start a gnuplot window:
> "
> xterm -e "maxima --batch=./sarag/ex3.mac;echo press return;read a"
> "
> The commands in "ex3.mac" are:
> "
> dir : "./sarag/";
> modLoad(modName) :=
>   load(concat(dir,modName));
> modLoad("sarag.mac");
> t3;
> r3 : topology(t3,x,y);
> drawTopology(r3[2]);
> "