
You hit the nail on the head, Robert. I shortened the file to about six 
It has a CR at the end. It read in with no problem

  (%i3) a: read_list("d:/tjw/max/testdata1.txt");

The original file is about 3.12MB, about 208,000 floating point numbers 
of zero. I tried it
again. About an hour later, wxmaxima still says "Maxima is calculating"  
consuming 99%
of the  CPU. This is probably not what he intended to send to me.

Later I will try the short file with no CRs. I don't expect a problem.


Robert Dodier wrote:

> On 5/21/07, Thomas Widlar <twidlar at> wrote:
>> Experimenting with read_list I did on WinXP using wxmaxima (5.12)
>>     (%i5)   a : read_list("d:/tjw/max/testdata0.txt");
>> where "d:/tjw/max/testdata0.txt"  is a large file of numbers 
>> separated by
>> blanks and some LFs (no CR);
>> I get no response.
> What happens if you copy just the first few lines and try to load that?
> How large is the file? Maybe you just need to wait. Just an idea.
> If you can't make any progress, email the original file to me and I
> will take a look at it.