Saturday 23 June 2007 04:41:50 Thomas Widlar wrote:
> My friend has had good success with Maxima on his project. He makes the
> comment --
> It seems Maxima is not able to handle partial differential equations
> (with several variables),
> only ordinary differential equations. Mathematica and Maple have the
> reqired packages,
> but are mainly tailored for mechanical and engineering applications.
> Quantum mechanics is too special (requires algebraic eigenvalues for
> example). I think
> if feasable solutions of the Schr?dinger equation in cartesian
> coordinates existed, they
> would be describe in books, at least in the outline. I know that any
> group tried to solve
> quantum mechanical equations numerically on a rectangular grid, but it
> was rather
> unprecise because the grid was not adopted to the centralsymmetric
> geometry.
> Is he right about PDEs in Maxima?
That's right.
Comercial macsyma has pdeasy. It's based on the finite elements methods and
seems quite powerful. My personal opinion is that to create the general CAS
interface to solve PDE numerically is a very hard task. Maple use interface
to matlab tools for this purpose. I don't know about mathematica.
However, creating some tools to handle static PDE problems or eigen-value
problems is not very hard thing. For examples, what's steps are needed to
solve eigen-value problem for some PDE in some geometry? We can use, e.g.,
the spectral methods based on Bubnov-Galerkin procedure.
1) define the choice of eigen-functions and scale to interval where basis is
orthogonal. Hints for this come from geometry and from the view of PDE to
solve. In Maxima's orthopoly package there is wide choice for polynomial
which may be used as a basis.
2) Creating the spectral matrices need some integration procedure. In simple
case maxima's functions like integrate, or quad package can be used. It may
not work in complicated problems. Instead, we can use Gauss-Legendre
(LegendreP roots within interval) or Gauss-Raadu (LegendreP extrema + end
points). In this case we need collocation points and weights. The examples
for these routines can be found in attachment. gaulegR(x1,x2,n) for LegendreP
roots and weights
and gaulegRL(x1,x2,n) for LegendreP extrema + end points.
3)Sometimes we have to reorganize the original polynomial basis to match the
boundary conditions . The easiest way is to choose some simple function, say
F_0, which satisfy the boundary conditions automatically. Then we include F_0
to the basis and make the Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization of the new basis
set. See further examples in attchment as well.
4)Prepare the matrices for eigen-value problem. Substitute the basis set to
PDE operator and integrate
5)call dgeev on the matrix.
4 & 5 depends on the task. In fact, the file in attachment is part of bigger
eigen-value solar dynamo problem. I will present some results about it at the
meeting in Potsdam "Meridional flow, differential rotation? solar and stellar
activity", next week. The poster can be found at
ftp://sftp:sftp at
So my feeling is that creating helpfull tools to handle PDE is not a hard
problem. Note that it can be extended further to attack the time-stepping
problem using ideas from contrib/gentran. I think, especially for today,
Maxima has a power!
Hope it was helpfull!
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