Symmetric functions off by multiples?

Dear Maxima mailing list,

I'm a bit confused about the behaviour of Maxima's elem command for
rewriting a symmetric polynomial as a polynomials in the elementary
symmetric polynomials.  In particular, the answer it gives changes
when you increase the number of underlying variables, although I think
it should not.

For instance, define the polynomial s_k with:


Then expand(s(2)) gives 2*e1^2-4*e2, which is twice what I expect.  In
general s(k) seems to be k times what I expect.

And if I change the definition of s(k) to use twice as many variables ti with:


then s(k) seems to be 3k times what I expect it to be.

The calculation I am actually interested in is more complicated than
this, and involves multi_elem, so the output differs from my
expectations in more subtle ways that I don't understand.

Am I using elem correctly, and if so does anyone know how to explain
what is going on?

With many thanks,
(not a subscriber, so please cc me when responding)

(PS, compare this with Mathematica's behaviour:

<< Algebra`SymmetricPolynomials`
s[k_] :=
    First[SymmetricReduction[Sum[Power[Subscript[t,i],k], {i,1,k}],
        Table[Subscript[t,i], {i, 1, k}], Table[Subscript[e,j], {j, 1, k}]]]

s[2] gives e_1^2-2e_2.  And the behaviour does not change if you use
twice as many variables t_i:

s[k_] :=
    First[SymmetricReduction[Sum[Power[Subscript[t,i],k], {i,1,2k}],
        Table[Subscript[t,i], {i, 1, 2k}], Table[Subscript[e,j], {j, 1, 2k}]]]