Quotient by poly... From definite integration

Richard Fateman wrote:
>  in wxmaxima 0.7.1
> K: (1+z^2)^4/ (1+z^4)^4
> integrate (k,z,0,inf);
> Quotient by a polynomial of higher degree -- an error.  To debug this try
> debugmode(true);
> [that's with gcd:subres]
> --> 0 with gcd:ez

With cmucl and gcd:ez, I get an error bbsort.  This is a bug in 
fastcont.  I'll fix that.  But even with that fixed, maxima runs out of 
heap space on cmucl.

> [with gcd:mod]
> -->  goes on forever.

I don't get this.  I get a type error that 1 is not a list in pgathercoef.
