Subject: Quotient by poly... From definite integration
From: Barton Willis
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2007 12:16:04 -0500
In Maxima 5.12, gcd defaults to spmod; using the default for gcd, we have
(%i1) k : (1+z^2)^4/ (1+z^4)^4$
(%i2) gcd : spmod$
This is wrong:
(%i3) integrate (k,z,0,inf);
(%o3) 0
The correct value is about
(%i4) quad_qagi (k, z, 0, inf);
(%o4) [1.770211170672474,2.1230345250168963*10^-11,165,0]
Integrating each term of the partial fraction decomposition of k
seems to give the correct value:
(%i5) map(lambda([e],integrate(e,z,0,inf)), partfrac(k,z));
(%o5) (51*sqrt(2)*%pi)/128
(%i6) float(%);
(%o6) 1.770211170672474
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>To: "'maxima list'"
>From: "Richard Fateman"
>Sent by: maxima-bounces at
>Date: 07/06/2007 11:42AM
>Subject: Quotient by poly... From definite integration
> in wxmaxima 0.7.1
>K: (1+z^2)^4/ (1+z^4)^4
>integrate (k,z,0,inf);
>Quotient by a polynomial of higher degree -- an error. To debug this try
>[that's with gcd:subres]
>--> 0 with gcd:ez
>[with gcd:mod]
>--> goes on forever.
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>Maxima at