manual cross references (especially for draw)

  I noticed that there is now a good set of manual pages for the 'draw'
  package. Thank you for the package, Mario.

  IMO, in many ways already 'draw' (e.g. draw2d, draw3d, etc.)is
  superior to plot2d, plot3d, etc.  I have students using it to good
  advantage.  But, new users may not be aware of it.

  In the maxima manual for 'plotting' there is no mention about
  'draw'.  One has to look further down in the list in the additional

  How about adding a line under Plotting (something like)

   8. Plotting
      8.1 Definitions for Plotting (see also the additional package "draw")


P.S. This is typical problem.  New packages replace some (or all) of
      old packages and there is the problem of documentation which does not
      confuse  the occasional user or the user of older versions.

  If one keeps the older and newer( e.g. if the newer is not a complete
  replacement, or is not mature), then it makes sense to keep the
  'core' documentation fixed and put things in 'additional packages'

  However, there may come a time when the newer package has features
  which are better than the old.

  Some thought should be given to cross-references in the manual pages.

  E.g. Robert's numericalio  package is not referenced in
       "Input-Output" and   this has caused  several people (myself
       included) to ask on the list for numerical I/O  commands.

A simple

   9.3 Definitions for Input and Output (see also the additional package

might save some bandwidth and time.

  Any thoughts on this?

  | Sheldon E. Newhouse            |    e-mail: sen1 at           |
  | Mathematics Department         |       				   |
  | Michigan State University      | telephone: 517-355-9684                |
  | E. Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA  |       FAX: 517-432-1562                |