Documentation Chapter 37: Lists


The WxMaxima documentation for Lists in Chapter 37 has two sections: 
37.1 Introduction to Lists and 37.2 Definitions for Lists.  

In the introduction, 
Following the paragraph for Lisp list concepts, we should also include 
the definition for a list in Maxima, perhaps something along the lines: 

1) list_name:[ list_element_1, list_elemnt_2,...,list element_n]
The list_name is assigned to the list elements which are enclosed in square brackets. 
The list elements are separated by commas. 
The list elements can be symbolic expressions or other data types.

2) list elements are addressed by the list_name followed by an index j, {1<=j<=n}, 
which is enclosed in square brakets.
%in     list_name[j];
%out    list_element_j

In the second section Definitions for lists, 
We should include a copy of (or a reference to) the definition of list functions 
that are defined in other chapters of the documentation. 

Some of these functions are:
3) lmax(L)       found in section 5.7 ?General operators?
4) lmin(L)       5.7
5) sort(L,P) 	  5.7
6) sublist(L,P)  5.7
7) subst(a,b,c)  5.7
8) listify(a)   38.7.

