renaming files from within maxima

On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 06:11:27PM -0400, sen1 at wrote:
> Actually, this seems to be the problem.
> I logged in as root, changed to the home directory, and the problem
> disappeared.
> How does one change the permissions on the process?
> -sen

It's not so much an issue of permissions on the process, as
permissions on the file or directory. Perhaps you are running your
process from a working directory where you do not have write
permissions? Perhaps you created the file as a root user at an earlier
stage, and therefore your regular user can not overwrite the file?

Try this:

1) use a full path for the filename, and ensure that the directory
exists and that you have write permissions.

2) change working directory to a directory where you have write
permissions and write to the file without the full pathname.

3) Try deleting the file and then running your write file process a
few times. Perhaps it simply existed as owned by someone else, or read

4) Check the permissions of the directory where you are writing the
file, make sure that you have permission to write there.

not necessarily in that order...

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at