Not sure exactly whether, or how that might affect, but I would ad
"check umask" to Daniel's list.
* Daniel Lakeland <dlakelan at> [2007-07-10 16:54:49 -0700]:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 06:11:27PM -0400, sen1 at wrote:
> > Actually, this seems to be the problem.
> >
> > I logged in as root, changed to the home directory, and the problem
> > disappeared.
> >
> > How does one change the permissions on the process?
> >
> > -sen
> It's not so much an issue of permissions on the process, as
> permissions on the file or directory. Perhaps you are running your
> process from a working directory where you do not have write
> permissions? Perhaps you created the file as a root user at an earlier
> stage, and therefore your regular user can not overwrite the file?
> Try this:
> 1) use a full path for the filename, and ensure that the directory
> exists and that you have write permissions.
> 2) change working directory to a directory where you have write
> permissions and write to the file without the full pathname.
> 3) Try deleting the file and then running your write file process a
> few times. Perhaps it simply existed as owned by someone else, or read
> only?
> 4) Check the permissions of the directory where you are writing the
> file, make sure that you have permission to write there.
> not necessarily in that order...