printing in eigens_by_jacobi


  I am confident that things like the 2-norm and singular values are in
the lapack package.  There are two difficulties here.

1. There is no documentation yet (that I know of concerning the lapack
    package), and

more seriously, (and selfishly for me)

2. There are many situations  which need higher
    than standard double precision calculations with matrices.
    One way of dealing with this is to use a combination of rational
    arithmetic, symbolic calculations, conversion to bfloat,  and
    standard numerical techniques.

Since you already have eigen_by_jacobi, it only takes a line each to add
svd,  2-norm, and the 2-norm condition number.

svd(A):=  reverse(sort(sqrt(eigens_by_jacobi(transpose(A).A))[1]))$

mat_norm_2(A):= first(svd(A))$

cond_2(A):= first(svd(A))/last(svd(A));

Of course, there may be more efficient ways to do the 2-norms and
2-cond numbers, but these work for me.


On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, Barton Willis wrote:

> -----sen1 at wrote: -----
>> To: Barton Willis <willisb at>
>> From: sen1 at
>> Date: 08/16/2007 06:50AM
>> cc: maxima at
>> Subject: Re: [Maxima] printing in eigens_by_jacobi
>> Thanks Barton,
>>  BTW, is there a reason why the 2-norm is not an option for mat_norm?
> Sloth -- but the 2-norm for a non-numeric matrix is unlikely to
> be useful even in those rare cases when it is algebraic. My primary
> interest
> for linearalgebra was symbolic not numerical calculations.
>> Also, since there you have included the Jacobi algorithm, why not also
>> put in singular values?  E.g. a function like svd(A) for a matrix A as
>> in octave.
> Don't we have that via translation of lapack? I know Ray added some stuff
> earlier this year -- I haven't used it yet.
> Barton
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