Use of erf(x); read text file; command to display available functions

Is there a function that returns the size of a matrix: for example, if
M is a matrix of dimension nxm, the function size(M) would return the
list [n,m]? Such a function does not appear in the reference manual
matrix chapter.
Apparently, plot2d will not plot a matrix that is 1xn or mx1; it only
plots lists (or functions). So, to plot a matrix, for example
columnwise, it is necessary to write a separate function to pick off
the columns, convert them to lists, and plot one-by-one. Am I missing
something? It would be good to make plotting work with any data type in
Maxima. That avoids writing special functions for conversions and makes
use of the tool more uniform.


	From: Bartlett, Charles S. 
	Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:28 AM
	To: 'maxima at'
	Subject: RE: Use of erf(x); read text file; command to display
available functions
	Apparently, the package numericalio provides facility for my
2nd question.
	Thanks for the answers to my first. erf(5.0) returns a
numerical result.
	I am still interested in receiving an answer to my 3rd
question. How do you have Maxima list all available functions - i.e.
those that are built-in, those that are loaded from a package, and
those I define. The "functions" command handles the latter only,

	From: Bartlett, Charles S. 
	Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 3:08 PM
	To: 'maxima at'
	Subject: Use of erf(x); read text file; command to display
available functions

		Why doesn't erf(5) produce a numerical result, whereas
sin(.3) or gamma(.2) do?
		I am using Maxima 5.12.0.
		It appears that my version is not finding a definition
for erf.
		Can Maxima read a text file containing a column of
		Is there a function to display available functions -
not just those defined by a user?