will maxima print a homemade function definition?

On 8/17/07, Edwin Woollett <woollett at charter.net> wrote:

> Suppose I create a small function such as
>  geth() := block(
>                   [ hlist : [0.1,0.05,0.02,0.01]  ],
>                    for h in hlist do print(" h = ", h)
>                 )$

> Later, using "functions;" I will get the name "geth() " printed out.
> Is there also a way, at this later time, to get Maxima to print out (echo)
> the maxima code defining this function?

grind(geth) prints the function definition.
dispfun(geth) is another way to display it, but the grind
format is easier to read, I find.

By the way, maybe the display, ldisplay, disp, and ldisp
functions are useful to you to display values.


Robert Dodier