Subject: What about "conditionnement" of a matrix?
From: Patrick Gelin
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 08:44:33 +0200
Barton Willis wrote:
> Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that you want to evaluate
> || A || * ||A^-1||, where A is a matrix and || || is a matrix norm
> (in English, the 'condition number'). Yes, Maxima can do this (using
> version 5.12)
I'm not sure your formula is what I'm trying to do because I know the
concept but not the formula... In english the french word translating in
english is: conditioning, or I may be I could say packaging... It's an
integer number. When this number is very high the conditioning is bad and
the computer calcul with the matrix will be wrong. Elsewhere, if the
conditioning number is low, calculs with matrix will be not wrong...
so, is it || A || * || A^-1 || I don't know at this time...