Maxima 5.13.0 release candidate 2

Hi Robert,

I tested rc2 on an XP machine.

The standard test suite passes.

The share tests show some errors.
1. rtest_simplify_sum: 
	three problems, but these seem to be only a question of display order, like
	sqrt(5) + 1 isn't 1 + sqrt(5)
	rtest_simplify_sum.mac needs an update?

2. rtest_opproperties
3. rtest_levin
4. rtest_fractals

See attached file

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  tests_5.12.99rc2.txt
     Datum/Date:  19 Aug 2007, 15:35
     Gr??e/Size:  11931 bytes.
     Typ/Type:    Text
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