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From: Puck Ja <puckja at gmail.com>
Date: Aug 28, 2007 11:47 AM
Subject: Simple simplification question
To: maxima at math.utexas.edu.
I am just a newbie to Maxima. I have tried to simplify the following
expression from ex:d*b*e/(2*a*c)+e/2 to e/2(1+d*b/a*c). Basically, I'd like
to pull a common factor e/2 out and make the term inside stay the form of (1
+ num/denum).
I have searched the mailing list a little bit, but have not found solution
yet. Furthre more, if I can apply the same rule to a more complicated form,
such that the similar expression appear in both the realpart and imagpart or
even in a matrix, it would be great.
Thanks for your hint!