maxima-bounces at wrote on 08/28/2007 11:47:48 AM:
> I am just a newbie to Maxima. I have tried to simplify the
> following expression from ex:d*b*e/(2*a*c)+e/2 to e/2(1+d*b/a*c).
> Basically, I'd like to pull a common factor e/2 out and make the
> term inside stay the form of (1 + num/denum).
(%i1) ex : d*b*e/(2*a*c)+e/2$
(%i2) facout(e,ex);
(%o2) ((b*d)/(2*a*c)+1/2)*e
(%i3) facout(e/2,ex);
(%o3) (((b*d)/(a*c)+1)*e)/2
> I have searched the mailing list a little bit, but have not found
> solution yet. Furthre more, if I can apply the same rule to a more
> complicated form, such that the similar expression appear in both
> the realpart and imagpart or even in a matrix, it would be great.
Generally, you'll need to map a function onto the matrix elements
to do things like this; an example:
(%i4) matrix([d*b*e/(2*a*c)+e/2,a*e + b*e])$
(%i5) matrixmap(lambda([s], facout(e,s)),%);
(%o5) matrix([((b*d)/(2*a*c)+1/2)*e,(b+a)*e])