maxima 5.13.0

On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 02:22 -0700, John Ogilvie wrote:
> It is disgraceful, anti-intellectual and anti-academic of Robert
> Dodier to tolerate such gross deficiencies.
Why do you pick on Robert? He has never claimed to be responsible for
all Maxima code and documentation. In your previous message your
reference to "a Texan" seemed to indicate that you were not aware that
William Shelter died several years ago and Maxima has changed a lot
since that. You are now showing that you do not know how this project is
being developed. If you did, the spelling mistake that irritates you so
much would have been fixed already.

Jaime Villate
(a University teacher who makes spelling mistakes every day and is not
embarrassed by that)