maxima 5.13.0

Well, well! What a pleasant tempest in a teapot for our Monday morning ...

On 9/10/07, John Ogilvie <ogilvie at> wrote:

>       I was preparing to make a presentation to a Dean of Science about
> improving the effectiveness of teaching mathematics to students of science
> and engineering, for whom mathematics is a tool not a career;

To be honest I'm grateful that you went so far as to work
on a presentation to the dean. I'm sorry it didn't turn out well
for you. All I can say is that we're still working on Maxima.
Take a look at the bug list at the project web site --- there are
hundreds of bugs listed there. Yet we are making steady progress.

>       It is disgraceful, anti-intellectual and anti-academic of Robert
> Dodier to tolerate such gross deficiencies.  How can somebody with such
> a mentality justify his presence in an institution of so called higher
> education and learning?

Um, perhaps you have confused me with some other Robert Dodier.

Incidentally I did find a correction for the erf bug.


Robert Dodier